WWW - Mundo Virtual

  • WWW - Mundo Virtual
  • WWW - Mundo Virtual
  • WWW - Mundo Virtual

WWW - Mundo Virtual

WWW is a big devocore ripoff punk band that play fast science fiction punk. On this recording they use programmed drums but live they use real drums and keyboards making it a much dirtier and noisier experience. WWW was formed as a duo in 2017 by Gonzalo A. and Juani A. In 2018 Juani B. and Iris C. joined during live performances, adding the strength of the drums and the craziness of the synthesizers. Their songs talk about how technology helps us and hurts us, and their artwork connects the relationship we have with our tools, and how we become them.

FFO - Coneheads, Skull Cult, Draggs, Research Reactor Corp. etc

Composed and recorded between March 2020 and March 2021
Except Fiesta Lan recorded in November 2019
All recorded and mixed in a bedroom in San Miguel, Buenos Aires by Juani A.


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